Alaska Sea Adventures is looking for a Sole Chef for the 2025 season starting March 2025.
Alaska Sea Adventures is an Alaska yacht charter and cruise company that operates one yacht for guided and custom Alaska and Washington’s San Juan Islands adventure cruises.
Our crew consists of a captain, chef, and mate/deckhand. Crew candidates must be highly motivated team players, capable of working independently and have excellent organizational skills, a fun personality, provide quality guest service with a smile, and maintain excellent appearance and hygiene habits.
Sole Chef
Applicant must enjoy the outdoors, adventure, interacting with people, be well organized and neat, and have previous chef experience, preferably on vessel(s). Excellent people skills, good references, and a team player are required. Familiarity with seafood is required with knowledge of Pacific Northwest seafood preferred.
- Purchase vessels food & hospitality items. Prepare 3 meals, hor’dourves, and 1-2 desserts daily for up to 10 guests and 3 crew.
- Provide daily housekeeping duties and guest service as required.
- Conduct vessel turn-around preparation between cruises.
- Assist crew with vessel docking lines.
- This is a very demanding yet very rewarding position for the right type of person.
Preference is given to applicants with the following qualifications:
- Experience and knowledge of Alaska/Northwest seafood
- Formal culinary education and training
- Alaska work experience
- Previous employment on boats
- Current First Aid/CPR training
References are required. Pre-employment drug testing and enrollment in our random drug/alcohol testing program are required.
Employment dates are March through October.
An applicant is required to have previous experience working on vessels. First Aid/CPR is a plus. Outdoor guiding/leadership experience is required with knowledge of fishing and sea kayaking as top priorities. Smoke and drug-free. USCG license preferred.
- Boat preparation prior to cruise season.
- Boat preparation prior to cruise /between cruises.
- Interacting and working with clients.
- Maintaining cleanliness of vessel deck areas.
- Maintenance of sea kayaks and skiffs.
- Guiding guests on sea kayak trips.
- Attending to fishing gear and guest’s fishing needs.
- Small boat operation for excursions.
Preference is given to applicants with the following qualifications:
- Experience on vessels in Alaska
- Knowledge and experience with Alaska sport fishing.
- Previous employment on boats.
- Outdoor skills and sea kayaking experience.
- Current First Aid/CPR training
Use the contact form for questions.
Employment Application
Please use this form to submit all details to be considered for employment with ASA.
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