Inside Passage
Along the northwest coast of North America lay a series of islands formed by Alexander Archipelago mountain range. This maze of heavily timbered islands form corridors of scenic waterways protected from the forces of the Pacific Ocean and is known as the Inside Passage.
This mostly secluded winding water route stretches almost 1000 miles north and south, from the southern end of British Columbia, continuing north all the way to Skagway Alaska, and forms the Panhandle region of Alaska.
These coastal islands, many of which are the size of small states, are part of the earth’s largest temperate rain forest. A host of unique wildlife inhabits the old-growth forests found here, and the nutrient rich waters around the islands support a diverse ecosystem of marine life. Numerous species of marine mammals abound though out the region. Some of the largest populations of humpback whales found anywhere make this area a summer home while feeding and raising young whales born in the waters around Hawaii during the winter.
Long, steep sided narrow bays reaching deep into the mainland form spectacular fjords, some of which have beautiful glaciers at their terminus. Other secluded bays, inlets and coves are formed within the lushly forested islands. Small towns and villages are scattered along the islands and mainland shores and are not interconnected by roads. The only means of transportation between the isolated towns and the ‘outside’ world is by air or water.
All of Alaska Sea Adventures cruises are within this diverse region of the Inside Passage, and primarily concentrated in the central Southeast Alaska portion. Spring and fall excursions often include transit trips along extended portions of the Inside Passage as the M/V Northern Song and Alaska Legend moves to and from it’s summer operating port of Petersburg. These interesting trips visit numerous great locations not usually found on our summer travel itineraries.
“Wow! Been to Alaska before but not to the Southeast.
This has been a life experience made complete by the attentive crew!”
Kim A.
Boulder Creek, CA