
Sea Otter Eating a Crab -Photo by Jayne Todd
Southeast Alaska, with its nutrient-rich coastal waterways and dense temperate rainforested islands, is a vast wilderness area with superabundant habitat supporting a diversity of wildlife unmatched in North America. Populations of species such as coastal grizzly (locally known as brown bear), black bear, Stellar sea lion, and humpback whales are found here in the most significant concentrations in the world.
As a yacht-based wilderness cruise, the predominance of wildlife species observed are marine mammals.
Stellar sea lion
Harbor seal
Dall’s porpoise
Sea otter
Harbor porpoise
Orca/ Killer whale
Humpback whale
Minke whale (infrequent)
Old-growth tree-lined shorelines and rich habitat provide a haven for an amazingly massive population of Bald eagles, with seasonal gatherings of eagles numbering in the thousands. A huge variety of shore birds and sea birds are observed daily providing virtual non-stop sighting pleasures. Many birds in the area can be found on our birding page.

Brown Bears – Photo by Roger Organ
Local island population densities of both the black bear and brown bear are the largest in North America. Although not as commonly seen as the marine mammals and birds on our cruises, some of the terrestrial wildlife dwelling within the forests of the Tongass National Forest are;
Sitka black-tailed deer
Timber wolf
River otter
Mountain Goat
Mountain Goat
“Everything met or exceeded expectations. We saw and experienced more in 7 days than I thought possible: Bubble feeding, whales, orcas, waterfalls, 30 story glacier calves, incredible fishing (halibut, rock fish, black bass, salmon) and close up to fishing boats in operation.”
Craig W.
Waltham MA.
Sealion Rookery By Rick Sammon
“…For me, being in a kayak with a 60 ton humpback whale surfacing and blowing so close to me, was beyond words.”
Susan & Dick R.
Kauai, HI