Southeast Alaska
The panhandle portion of Alaska, commonly referred to as the Southeast, is made up of the Alexander Archipelago of islands and a strip of mainland bordering Canada’s British Columbia and Yukon Territories.
The Tongass National Forest is the largest U.S. National Forest and contains a major portion of the world’s remaining temperate rain-forest.
Southeast Alaska is one of the most remote areas in the United States, accessible only by air or boat.
The area has less than 70,000 people located across a handful of scattered towns, villages, and communities. The bears outnumber people by approximately two to one. On some of the larger islands, the ratio of bears to people is at least ten to one!
The pristine islands of the Southeast are bounded by a network of inner channels, protected bays, and fjords of remarkable beauty. Extensive ice fields to the east feed tidewater glaciers, which calve blue icebergs into cold, calm waters. Forests cloaked in clouds provide habitat for a variety of terrestrial wildlife, including bears, wolves, and moose, and nutrient-dense waters attract hundreds of feeding whales, eagles, and other marine life.
Alaska Sea Adventures provides the best access to this unique and remote wilderness area, on trips custom-designed to your interests. Whether your dream adventure includes wildlife viewing, fishing, photography, or research, we have the experience and know-how to make it happen for you.
Southeast Alaska Map
View our map of Alaska Sea Adventures cruising area.
Bear Eating a Salmon By Roger Organ
“This trip gives a new meaning to “wilderness” for an old city girl like me! Thank you, thank you for endless days of novel exposure to the wildlife & beauty of Alaska”.
Dottie U.
Los Angeles, CA