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Alaska Sea Adventures

Killer Whales Teach Their Young How to Hunt

Alaskan Adventure Cruise

The killer whale is a magnificent, powerful apex predator. In this captivating footage, our guests witness a poignant moment in the circle of life as a pod of orcas, including young calves, work together to hunt a sea lion in Southeast Alaska. This natural behavior, while essential for survival, is a testament to the intricate balance of the marine ecosystem.

Orcas in the colder waters primarily feed on fish such as salmon, herring, and cod. Some orcas, typically the transient ones, hunt marine mammals, including seals, sea lions, dolphins, porpoises, and other whales. The transient orcas have more prominent, stronger teeth that are better suited for capturing marine mammals.

An adult killer whale can consume approximately 551 pounds of food per day. A growing calf might only consume up to 10% of its body weight daily.

Killer whales are highly intelligent and adaptable animals. Their diet can change based on the availability of prey and their specific ecological niche.

The difference in diet between the resident and transient killer whales results from genetic and behavioral adaptations that have evolved over time.

It’s important to note that while this is a part of the natural world, the footage is presented in a way that is not gory or gruesome. Alaska Sea Adventures First Mate Bart Oosthuizen captured this amazing footage!


Join Alaska Sea Adventures for an all-inclusive yacht cruise through Southeast Alaska for incredible whale watching! What if you could witness this? This Alaskan adventure yacht cruise is truly a trip of a lifetime!